Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tips For Writing A Great College Essay

With the school year quickly approaching, upcoming seniors (and their parents) are beginning to feel the pressure brought on by the college application process. As competition for acceptance into America’s prestigious colleges increases, many of you are probably wondering how to make your achievements stand apart from the rest.

One of the most important facets of your college applications is the essay. A well-crafted, thoughtful essay allows you to showcase everything that makes you unique. College admissions counselors want to see the person behind the resume and grades, and understand your passions outside of academia. Your essay also gives admissions counselors a brief insight into your writing and critical thinking skills, so be sure to give your essay the time it deserves.

A great college essay can make all the difference and result in a letter of acceptance! Here are some tips for writing an excellent college essay.

1) The JBG Educational Group rule of thumb is that a great college essay will allow your reader to learn twenty new things about you.

2) Keep the focus of your essay about you and only you! Choose an activity that you participate in or an aspect of your life that can be described in great detail. You are not trying to write a description of all of your activities, as you have already provided this in your application.

3) Once you have chosen a topic, make sure you develop the theme with specific examples. Be clear and specific when you are developing an idea through organization and details.

4) Avoid being vague and predictable. Instead of saying that you want to save the world, give an example of something you have done that has had a lasting impact.

5) Less is more. Don’t try to over emphasis a point by writing intense, complex sentences. Clear, concise sentences are much more effective.

6) Have fun with your essay! This is your chance to show the college that you are more than just a piece of paper. Don’t waste it!

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